
Welcome to Mrnak Hereford Ranch, located 5 miles south of Bowman, North Dakota. Our ranch was homesteaded in 1906 and our first registered Herefords were purchased in 1944. We have since been raising registered Hereford Seedstock for the industry, offering over 100 two year old performance tested Hereford bulls every February. Our Annual Production Sale will be held in Bowman, ND.

The third through sixth generations of Mrnaks now reside on Mrnak Hereford Ranch. And all have the same goal in mind to produce high quality, functionally sound, performance driven Hereford seedstock for the commercial producer. Additionally, we have Mrnak Feeders and have taken our genetics from gate to plate and we have had first hand knowledge of what these genetics can do in a feedlot and on the rail.

If you have any questions about our Mrnak Advantage Value Added customer programs, feel free to contact us anytime. We are here to support the market for our customers and make the genetic selection process for your herd as simple as possible as we strive to offer consistent and trustworthy Hereford genetics that can work in any environment.